Welcome to Kingston High School

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Welcome to Kingston High School

Dear Families

It is my pleasure to introduce myself as the new principal at Kingston High School. It is a great honour to be appointed to lead such a proud school, in such a vibrant community and in such a beautiful part of the world.

It also comes along with a great responsibility. Public schools are in many ways the heart of our communities, as significant local employers and as hubs of connection between all elements of our society. Above all, we are providers of lifelong opportunities to the most important members of our community: our children and young people.

We all remember our time as students. I am committed to working with our staff, families and students to ensure that our students leave us with fond memories of the connections they have made, the lessons they have learned, and saying with pride that they attended Kingston High School.

The teachers at Kingston High have a long tradition of working collaboratively to provide the best learning outcomes for students. I will work closely with the leadership team and teachers to build on this tradition. We will work on constant cycles of improvement, built on evidence of what works from within the school and across Tasmania, Australia and the wider world, to ensure that the students of Kingston High are provided with equal or better opportunities than their peers across the country.

I look forward to working with families and community, through the School Association and other forums, to continue the growth of this school into one that meets the aspirations we have for our children.

Lachlan Joyce


Department of Education Tasmania CRICOS No.03352G

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