Welcome to Kingston High School

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Welcome to Kingston High School

David_Barnett.jpgKingston High School has a proud history within the Kingston community, providing dynamic learning opportunities that reflect the diverse interests of students and the changing skills and understandings required for realising opportunities in the future.

Situated at the foot of kunanyi/Mt Wellington, the linked buildings of the modern campus, that make up Kingston High School, overlook the coastline of southern Hobart, reflecting a belonging to a spectacular environment and the exciting learning that this affords. Connected to the Kingborough Sports Precinct, Kingston High School is consciously evolving into an academy for sports, health and wellbeing, through the extension to Year 11 and 12. To build towards this goal, students engage in a dynamic curriculum with holistic approaches to education, including physical, emotional, social and academic growth.

Teaching teams plan and inquire into their practice collaboratively, using innovative teaching and learning strategies. Designed for dynamic delivery of learning opportunities, each core-learning space has a team of teachers whose knowledge of the needs, interests and aspirations of their students allows for individual support and extension.  

State of the art specialist buildings allow for a range of learning experiences that take full advantage of key learning dispositions.

Teaching strategies focus learning and teaching on the Four C’s:

  • critical thinking
  • communication
  • collaboration
  • creativity

We believe that all students should be given every opportunity to become successful, aspirational and responsible citizens. Kingston High School reflects the diversity of the school community and we call upon the whole school community, including the parent community in being partners with us to support all students,

by enacting the values stated in our school vision:

  • Harmony
  • Learning
  • Achievement
  • Diversity
  • Citizenship

In addition to the formal learning program students at Kingston High there is an extensive and vibrant range of learning opportunities including camps, carnivals, extension and leadership opportunities and international excursions to Japan and a combined Vietnam and Cambodia trip.

Our Vision

Successful, aspirational and responsible citizens

Our Mission

To provide every student with opportunities to achieve success in all aspects of their lives in a safe, respectful, challenging and innovative learning community.


Department of Education Tasmania CRICOS No.03352G

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