Move to class Bell           8.45am       Alerting students that class starts in 5 minutes and to make their way, ensuring they visit the toilets, have a drink etc before class starts.

Community Time Bell      8.50am      Community and Wellbeing 8.50 - 9.15

Block 1                           9.20 - 10.30

Recess                          10.30 - 10.50

Recess End Bell              10.50am     Alerting students that class starts in 5 minutes.  Students are to have a drink, visit the toilets, lockers etc ensuring they are ready to start class.

Block 2 Bell                    10.55am     Students are to be in class ready to learn 10.55 - 12.05

Lunch                             1.20 - 1.50

Lunch End Bell                 1.50pm       Alerting students that class starts in 5 minutes.  Students are to have a drink, visit the toilets, lockers etc ensuring they are ready to start class.

Block 4 Bell                    1.55pm       Students are to be in class ready to learn 1.55 - 3.05

End of Day                     3.05pm       End of School Day.